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Grassfed Beef | Poultry | Lamb | Pork | Bath & Body
100% Grassfed Beef
This is the top product for us and the one that we are most excited about. A cow's job is to convert sunshine into food by way of grass. Our cattle are managed using an intensive rotational system. This does wonders to rebuild the soil health. Just like the bison on the Great Plains, our cattle are moved together in a group. This creates a short-term pasture disturbance followed by a long period of rest. It allows the pasture to rebuild its roots and proliferate.
Over time, this system builds organic matter and produces a very diverse diet for the animals - and we never have to feed grain or shovel manure! Our 100% grass fed beef is a great value. You know where your meat is coming from, you know it’s healthy for you, and you know it’s safe. And the taste is incomparable!
Our cattle eat grass - and only grass. That's 100% grass fed & finished. Most farmers will raise their cattle on pasture, and then finish the cattle on an all grain diet for 60-90 days. At no time do we offer our cattle any grain. Do not fall for a “grass fed” label if you are trying to procure truly 100% grassfed beef. Ask the farmer who is raising the cattle if they ever offer their animals grain. By definition, “corn” is a “grass” and unfortunately some farmers will feed a corn (grain) product to their cows and call it 100% grassfed. We on the other hand are committed to only feeding our cattle grass or hay. Rest assured, we produce the real deal!
There is a lot of work that goes into making our gourmet beef. Our cows take quite a bit longer to mature on only grass versus grain-fed cows – normally 2+ years versus 16-18 months on grain. We also do a lot of research and trials to get the best grasses and legumes to grow for our cows. Is it worth it? Absolutely.
Our gourmet grass fed, grass finished beef is dry aged for 10-14 days. This concentrates the flavor and removes the excess "water weight" - the weight of our meat, is ACTUAL meat and not just water. It is cut into small portions, vacuum packed, and then flash frozen - ready to go into your freezer! Our beef is processed at a local meat processing facility that is USDA inspected.
If you are interested in saving money or have a larger family, buying our 100% grassfed beef in bulk is your best option!
So why buy in bulk? With a half or whole beef, you get to choose exactly how to get your cuts made. You get to select every steak, roast, stew meat, ground beef, burgers and more. You’ll also get to keep all of the organ meats, marrow bones and more if you want! And space is not a huge issue, since a 1/2 beef only requires about 7-8 cubic feet of freezer storage.
Our set price quarter is essentially a sample box of around 80 pounds of meat. We give you a variety so you get the chance to try almost every cut from the animal. This option is pre-chosen cuts and cannot be adjusted.
Most of our beef is pre-sold in bulk orders. However, we occasionally have retail cuts available for sale. When available, retail cuts of beef may be found on our shop page.
Poultry Products
The chickens are the "clean-up crew" on our farm. We move the chickens around our pastures after the cows and sheep to scratch and peck and clean up what the ruminants leave behind. This symbiotic relationship keeps our pastures free of parasites and reduces fly pressure while simultaneously feeding our chickens! Our chickens are also supplemented with a daily grain ration to keep them in top condition. The grain that we feed is all grown locally in NC and then milled fresh about 20 minutes from our farm. All the grain is also non-gmo, giving you another layer of comfort and peace of mind in what you are consuming.
Meat Chickens
Our meat birds come to the farm as day-old chicks and begin their life in our brooder where they are started on their non-medicated, natural feed. After about 3 weeks, they are feathered out and ready to go out on pasture. They live in portable shelters, called Chicken Tractors, and are moved EVERY DAY to fresh grass where they can forage for protein and fertilize at the same time, thereby contributing to our regenerative model. At around 8 weeks, they will be ready to process. We process our birds on farm ourselves. We follow strict guidelines for safe handling of raw poultry products to ensure you are getting a clean and safe product. We often hear from customers how our chickens are often cleaner than what you get at the grocery store!
Egg Layers
Our laying hens and ducks are in their own chicken tractor. This tractor is enclosed in electrified netting to keep our flock safe from predators. This netting gives them a large area to roam around in chasing bugs and scratching in the grass. The entire netting is moved every few weeks to ensure they are getting new grass and continuing to spread fertilizer around our pastures. Allowing our laying flock access to fresh air, grass, and bugs gives their eggs an extra boost in Omega-3s and healthy fatty acids - this creates those beautiful orange yolks that we long for.
100% Grassfed Lamb
Our sheep are raised on a grass only diet. They are managed using an intensive rotational system right along with our cattle. In fact, our sheep and cattle spend their time together in the same pastures. We lovingly call it our "flerd" - flock of sheep and herd of cattle. This combination takes our regenerative goals of building soil to a whole new level. The sheep often eat the grasses that the cattle will skip over, as well as adding a different variety of soil nutrients through their manure. Over time, this system builds more organic matter and produces healthy land.
Nothing quite compares to the satisfaction of eating something you produce yourself on your own land. We do the hard part for you, you simply need to cook and enjoy!
We are very excited to be raising Icelandic sheep on our farm. Icelandic sheep are a unique breed in that their genetics are greatly unchanged by modern breeding practices and essentially as pure as when the vikings brought them over to Iceland.
Icelandic sheep open the door to many new and exciting ventures here at Hidden Acres. They are unique in being a tri-purpose breed. They are an excellent breed for meat production - producing nearly 80% of Iceland's agricultural income. They are historically also fabulous milk producers. And their dual layered wool is some of the best in the world - producing both a waterproof rugged wool as well as a soft luxurious wool suitable for undergarments! We can't wait to see what new door our flock opens for us.
Forested Pork
In searching for a way to utilize all of our land, we found pork to fit perfectly into the wooded areas of our farm. Pigs, in nature, live in the woods. Their strong noses are perfect for "rooting" up food - quite literally eating roots, nuts, and other goodies they can find. The wooded areas of our farm creates the perfect spot for us to raise our heritage breed pigs. We breed our Berkshire boar - "Black Jack" - with our two Duroc sows "Big Red" and "Garnet". This cross creates amazingly flavorful and tender pork products that we just can't stop raving about!"
Our pigs have the opportunity to express their natural instincts to root and dig up their food. They are rotated through small paddocks throughout our woods and eat whatever they find. They are also supplemented free choice with our locally sourced, non-gmo grain.
Yes, we do offer BBQ pigs! Please reach out to us to work out details of what size pig you want for your event.
Yes, we sell half and whole pig options as well as retail cuts, please see our shop page for more information and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Bath & Body
In striving to be more mindful of what we put INTO our bodies, that naturally flowed into being mindful of what we put ONTO our bodies. This brought us down the path of creating some of the products we use on a daily basis in our home and on our bodies.
In an effort to use "extra" product, Katelyn began experimenting making cold process soaps using our beef tallow from our cattle. We found that it created a much better and healthier product than we could find in stores and this opened the door for the creation of other bath and body products.
As time goes on, we continue to expand our knowledge and slowly, but surely replace and upgrade our home products to cleaner, better versions to help us be better stewards of our health, not just inwardly (food), but outwardly as well.